Ludesch, Linz
Ludesch, Linz
- Proven experience in IT operations management, preferably within a production or manufacturing environment.
- In-depth knowledge of IT infrastructure, networks, and systems, with a keen understanding of how they support business operations.
- Ability to understand and align IT services with business strategies and compliance standards.
- Strong leadership and project management skills, with the ability to drive initiatives and manage teams effectively.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to address and resolve complex IT issues.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work collaboratively with various stakeholders.
Ludesch, Linz
Ludesch, Linz
Die Rolle
- Erfahrung in der Lebensmittelindustrie, vorzugsweise im Qualitätsumfeld
- Abgeschlossenes Studium (zB Lebensmitteltechnologie, Chemie oder verwandte Fachrichtung) bzw. vergleichbare Ausbildung mit entsprechender Berufserfahrung
- IT-Anwenderkenntnisse (SAP von Vorteil)
- Organisatorische Fähigkeiten und eigenständige Arbeitsweise
- Teamplayer mit hoher Eigenmotivation
- Präzises und sorgfältiges Arbeiten
- Sehr gute Deutsch- bzw. gute Englischkenntnisse
Ludesch, Linz
Ludesch, Linz
- Completed technical studies (e.g. food technology, chemistry, engineering) or comparable education
- +4 years experience in food industry, preferable in quality environment
- Fluent in English, German is desired
- Excellent communication skills
- Very good organizational skills and an analytical mindset
- High problem-solving competencies
- Self-starter and with entrepreneurial spirit and network thinking
- IT user skills (SAP as advantage)